Monday 29 March 2010

Patrick got up at 4am on Sunday morning to get to Nottingham Road, the Midlands of-South Africa not Notts to do a half -marathon race. More than 1500 runners doing marathon or half marathon and he came 9th but as usual just missed out on a prize as they only gave one to the first over-40 male and he came second!
Spent the afternoon in Umgeni park, doing the 'Dwarf' walk under canopy of trees next to escarpment then came out on top of valley-side with awesome drop to valley floor! Tried to spot giraffe but couldn't see any. Views were spectacular though. Must post up some photos...


  1. Hello Hello!

    Great to be able to keep track with what you're up to. Have to admit to being damn jealous though..! Looking forward to some pics. Hugs x

  2. Great to be able to keep up to date with your adventures. Please tell Alfie and Oscar Happy Easter!
    M and D have been down for Charlies birthday. Lots of pictures needed on blog.
    Keep safe and have lots of fun.
    Love Vanessa and boys + tiddles

  3. So glad to see that you have managed to follow us. Sorry about the lack of photos. Have taken loads and can't wait to get them loaded onto the blog but limited by poor internet connections in South Africa. They don't have broadband yet so it is all dial up and very, very slow. Will try and get some up when we return to Howick. All I can say is that mountains are breathtaking...

  4. finally I've entered this magic world of blogs! I can meet you all, I can follow your great adventure.. how I wish you to be there!
    Keep in contact
    Ciaoooo from a very far away Italy :-)
