Thursday 15 April 2010

Howick Preparatory School

Bit :-( to be back in Howick as I loved it in the mountains! I've fallen in love with a horse called 'Tanderwe' (Tandy), a bay Besotho horse who only has two paces: walk and go-like-the-wind. I plan to ride her next week when we go into Lesotho to recover the stolen horses - can't wait!!
The boys have started school at Howick Preparatory School. Alfie was a bit non-plussed when faced with an Afrikaans test yesterday administered only in Afrikaans by the teacher! He didn't know which bits were the instructions and which were the test but Zulu seems to be going a bit better and they love the Zulu teacher!

Everyday after school they can do sport for an hour 2-3pm. It is winter here but with temperatures of 30+ degrees it certainly doesn't seem like it but the sports are winter sports: soccer (not football), rugby, hockey, x-country running etc and they are doing soccer, tennis, x-country and mountain bike riding. The other kids do everthing in bare feet - imagine kicking a rugby ball with bare feet or doing x-country without shoes! So Alfie and Oscar will have tougher feet soon...

I'm helping at WESSA, an environmental organisation, writing a proposal for funds from USAID. Shame when the sun is shining to be inside but at least I can see zebra wandering around when I look out the window! WESSA is within a nature reserve hence the wildlife.

Wondering if we should really stay here for the rest of our seven weeks or to take the kids up to the Mozambique/South Africa border for a few weeks? I think we would all love to go back to Khotso to be with the mountains and horses!


  1. Dear Hannah, Patrick and boys

    Thank you for your text message. Everything is being sorted slowly and your message was lovely.
    Great blog enjoying following your escapades.
    Keep safe and look after each other.

    Love Vanessa x

  2. Lots of love to you all. I know it won't seem like it at the moment but in time, the sadness will lessen. I'm sure you have a lot to do Ness and that you will be amazing at sorting out everyone and everything! Hope these photos provide a bit of light relief! Love to you all xxxx

  3. Great to see the photos - especially the one of you at the top of the Pass. Looks fantastic! Take care. x
