Sunday 30 May 2010

Ecabezeni (Zulu village) school trip

Alfie milked an Nguni cow. The udder felt squishy.
Oscar ground maize using a long stone. It looked easy but it wasn't!
These are some of Oscar's (grade 4) classmates: Oscar, Cameron, Bradley, Michael, Jason, Daniel, Cullun and Alfie (grade 5).
About 10 tonnes of oranges were picked per day. The best picker picked 157 16kg bags per day. He got paid 1rand (about 10 pence) per bag. The average was 67 bags per day = 67rand or £6.70 per day.
Alfie and Oscar went on a school trip with Howick Prep to the village of Ecabezeni and a local orange factory. At Ecabezeni, they took part in Zulu stick fighting, traditional bead crafts, making clay pots, milking Nguni cattle and grinding meal.

We had marshmallows cooked on a braii with all our friends. We saw Zulu dancing which involved a lot of stamping and whoops. We drank tons of Zulu beer which is so sour! We slept overnight in a traditional Zulu hut called a rondavel. It was quite spacious and well-designed to keep the heat in.

We learnt about the Tokolosh which nibbles your feet and eats your food if it is low down so all the Zulu food is kept high up in the rondavel.

The men sleep to the right of the hut and the women on the left because the men wear their shields on the left so when they step out of the hut they have their shield ready to defend themselves.

The Zulu rondavel's floor is made out of termite nests. Everyone thought it was made of cow dung but this is only used to smooth it.

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