Thursday 10 June 2010

Something fishy

Yesterday we visited Te Papa - Wellington/NZ national
museum and as we entered we thought 'let's see the giant squid that they are
advertising'. Boy did we feel put off eating fish for life. Nothing particularly wrong
with the squid itself - there it was, perfectly pickled for posterity albeit with one or
two areas of stitching (!) where the scientists had poked it but the video of it being
accidentally caught in the Atlantic ocean on a long line (used to catch thousands of
other sea dwellers of course) combined with a 3-D movie bemoaning the fact that it was
'another' female giant squid (as shown by the millions of now dead and useless eggs it
was carrying) rather than a male (which has never been found/studied by science so we
really want one) made Alfie, Oscar and I feel like we have had enough of eating fish
which are in effect wild animals just like the lions, rhino etc that we had seen being so
carefully conserved in Africa.

Stop eating wild sea fish especially from relatively unspoilt areas like Antarctica!

Enough rant, time for action, so bye bye fish and meat and hello lentils
or more appropriately kumara (NZ indigenous sweet potatoe)!

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