Tuesday 19 June 2012

Behind the scenes at the museum

I've been lucky enough to work with a taxidermist at Brisbane museum...here is a photo of the 'office'!

Here are some of the birds that have been stuffed recently.

They can be finished in two ways: one, for display to the public in which case they are put into a 'natural' pose or two, for research, in which case they are put on a stick (!) and stuffed flat so that they can be kept in a drawer!

This is a photo of a real crow's nest and yes, those are coat hangers in there! I thought my mum would like this photo to go with her wire sculptures that she has done for her final year art show (well done mum)!

It's not just birds in here...there are mammals too - here is a koala that has been finished recently and then situated on an existing display. It sounds like it is not unusual to have to stuff an animal in such a way that it will fit within an existing display...so for example, if they take out an animal/bird that looks tired and moth-eaten, they fill the space with something else..!
 Here is the taxidermist with an example of a 'bird on a stick' - BBQ anyone?


  1. These birds remind me of my 'magpie' wind sculpture on the back fence.

    1. I thought you would like these - they reminded me of your sculptures too! x

  2. Do you 'stuff' stuff with polystyrene?

  3. No you stuff stuff with hemp (tied up with string and built around a piece of wire) or if it is a bird you can stuff it with wood shavings. The heads are usually carved out of a material that is a firmer version of the 'oasis' used in flower arranging.

  4. Thanks for that enlightenment.
