Wednesday 6 June 2012

Our house in Moggill, Brisbane

This is a first picture of the house we will be living in for the summer. It's not the best, most flattering photo and we will try to update a more attractive picture, but it will give you the gist to start off with. A wooden house, trucked in from elsewhere, it is a traditional 'Queenslander' built on stilts and made of wood to try to stave off the furnace heat of high summer. It's been more on the freezing side since we arrived but I've been told this is just a cold patch and it will warm up in August! There are two bedrooms, an open plan living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Outside, the house is surrounded by fields with horses, cows and plenty of funny looking noisy birds that you don't find in Devon. A tiny frog is sharing our kitchen with us, which is fine. The scores of ants that invaded last Sunday were less welcome but fortunately James (the 'man next door' that we are renting from) nuked them all thank goodness. I've only seen one cockroach so far and no nasty looking spiders, so things are going pretty good all told.

1 comment:

  1. We wondered what the reason was for the stilts! James must have used something stronger than Nippon!
