Wednesday 27 June 2012

Beaudesert Pony Club Camp

Drove down to Beaudesert to join Peta and her daughters at annual Pony Club 'Draft' Camp. 
Bit different to pony club in the UK: 
  • riders were 'cutting' steers (selecting one from the herd and then driving it through an 'S' shaped course and all in 40 seconds);
  • being shown how to ride their horses over a 'body' (inflatable) and push through crowds (huge, inflatable balls) by the mounted police (whose training headquarters is within 1km of our house so we are going to go over and see them training one day);
  • taking part in an endurance race (checking the heartrate of their horse and cantering around the very large arena five times);
  • jousting;
  • jumping, dressage and gymkhana events.
Oscar got a ride on one of the ponies. Both boys took part in a water bomb fight and we all ate massive cheese burgers from the barbie...great Aussie experience.

I got to ride two ponies. Took them for a fling round the fields and went through the bending poles with them. Got told off for not wearing a sleeved top (!), not following pony club rules - reminded me of being part of pony club in UK and getting told off for galloping too much!

Met a man called Greig who has a 'station' (cattle ranch), breaks/trains horses and says I can go help him muster cattle on horseback...yeehah! Have bought myself a lightweight riding hat (as used by the Aussie mounted police) and as the size is adjustable, the boys can also use it. 


  1. Several word usage changes - Audrey's farm sold prior to auction. P. visiting Mon. night.
    Might give Oscar ideas about joining the Aussie mounted police...
    one of your earlier ambitions - i.e. mounted police.
    The inflatables would have surprised S. Dorset Pony Clubbers.

  2. Great to know that Pony club still try and keep control of the wilful.
    M and D seem better this week. The Lincolnshire show took alot out of D.
    Went to local meeting tonight to listen to lots of nimbys with regards to teh Tritton Knoll offshore pipeline that may have to go through farm.
    Kitchen fitted and tiles/laminate laid. Just need plumbing and wet room completed before we may move in and complete upstairs whilst combining!!!

    Boys enjoyed Alfies email to M. I read it out at school and Class 3 think that it would be a great way to have a fire drill.

    Hope you are all well.

    The Taggs
