Thursday 5 July 2012

Charming snakes

We went round to a friend's house (Kieran) to see his collection of reptiles. He let the boys hold one of the friendlier pythons! As you can see from their faces, it was quite something to have them slithering up towards your face. You can't hold them, just have to keep your hands open and let them move over you. You can feel every muscle/bone and they feel very strong.

These pythons are green when they are mature and when they are young they are yellow - see below.

This one is about the size of my finger! I really like the way they curl up and then drape themselves around something - such a neat knot. This one was sleepy because it had eaten something recently. The green python that they boys are holding only has to eat about 6 mice a year and for half the year it doesn't eat anything. It only eats when it is mating time of year!

1 comment:

  1. Your Dad thinks these pics. are amazing. He remembers the guy who owns the snakes. Looking forward to the blue skies and meeting up with you all, probably in the other order...!
    The diving was pretty impressive too!
    Glad Patrick was here to link up to the Skype.
