Friday 13 July 2012


Alfie relaxing at the house at Sunshine Beach, Noosa. Stayed with friends of friends - always useful to know people with beach houses!

Lots of white sand and enough waves to make it worth taking out the surf boards. Clayton told us all about the dangers of rip tides (that can sweep you out to sea) and then he promptly put the kids in a rip tide so that they could get washed out to him on their surfboards! Luckily, he is such a 'surf-dude', he knows what he is doing!

This is 'Effe' and she belongs to Anna and Lucy, the daughters of Peta (who has invited Patrick out to Australia). Effe had only been with them for one day (she is 8 weeks old) and she is simply adorable. Part Pappillon, part Lhasa (?). Anyway, bundle of fluff and fun for us to play with!

Another lifeguard hut...note the beautiful beach in the background. We set ourselves up in the shade of a few trees at the edge of the beach and kept an eye on the bush turkeys that would eat anything...we settled for eating delicious ice cream from Maximo's ice cream parlour in Noosa - great to go back to a place we knew!

All the kids jumping down a sand dune...bigger ones to follow on North Stradbrooke Island.


  1. Lovely selection. Relieved the 'col dude' was around to let the lads experience a kind of rip tide!
    Ali's colour schemes are effective. The fur looks well painted.
    The pup is cute.
