Saturday 31 July 2010

Alternative grave markers

I passed this cemetery every time I went to Hombu dojo. Luckily I could walk from the hotel to the dojo and the route consisted of narrow back streets and along one alley there was this cemetery where these giant lolly pop sticks poked up above the wall and if there was a breeze you could hear them rattling against each other - so maybe the dead were talking to each other? This route also took me past a lovely little pastry shop with wooden sliding doors (like most traditional shops) where I regularly bought blueberry and custard type tarts for myself and Alfie (great post training breakfast)! Oscar usually opted for a chocolate coated bun or a pain au chocolat but as all the products had milk in them Patrick had to find an alternative breakfast and he even chose McDonalds one morning much to the amazement of the kids!!!

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