Monday 12 July 2010

Cultural encounters in Coburg

Not only did we go swimming in the local pool this day and do a drumming workshop (see below) but I took the boys to a Turkish barber shop for a haircut. Last time they had their haircut it was by Liz in the poodle palour! This time when asked 'what do you want?' they could only say 'a cut like yours' to the young man cutting their hair as our Turkish is non-existant so they both got a short cut. Alfie loves his hair cut because he can make it all spiky - Oscar is not so sure about his cut because he has lost some of his curls!

Same day, we stopped in a Lebanese deli for lunch and shared a table with a man making a documentary about Australian businesses moving off-shore to save bucks (and take advantage of less stringent labour laws etc) - I love these kind of encounters - I'll always be the person seeking out the slightly odd looking person on the train etc so that I can sit next to them and find out how they see the world!
Local libraries are usually great places to get free (or very cheap) access to the internet. During the school holidays (winter here and the kids had the last 2 weeks off school) there are various activities for kids e.g. this African drumming workshop which Alfie and Oscar enjoyed one morning.

1 comment:

  1. Quick hello, sounds like you are all having a great time. Lots of love, Andrew and Lou
